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Sophia Smith

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Sophia Smith APClips.com profile
Welcome to my APClips profile! Please look around, and check out all the sexy content I have to offer you. You can shop using a Cart, or buy tokens in advance for easy one-click purchases.
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421 Videos Show All

I'm Better Than You video from
I'm Better Than You I know that you really enjoy a gorgeous, feminine beauty like myself in uniform. That's definitely not a secret, and who can blame you? We both know I'm delightfully attractive. You, on the other hand, weren't first in line to be as gifted as I. But that's okay. I'm sure you've got so many other awesome qualities. Although, I can't think of any I'm sure you must have some, don't you? You know what? Some people are just in the upper echelons of society, and some are in the lower echelons. We know where I am... and we know where you are. And that's okay because we know that someone like you would never have a chance with someone like me. Oh, gosh! You probably think I'm really mean! I'm not mean. I'm just really good at being honest. I'm actually doing you a favor. It's almost like being in therapy. Sadly, you'll never be able to have somebody like me. I like reminding you how I'm superior. It makes me feel good. I'm afraid it's too late for you. You're far along on the path to loneliness. You're never going to experience a woman in uniform, but I'm sure there must be something good about to come your way. Certainly not a woman like me, but something. I don't know what since I know nothing about being in the lower echelons, but I'm sure you know lots about it. So maybe this isn't like therapy at all, but because I only know things that are fancy and smart and wonderful, and you know about being scruffy and cheap and not being very fortunate in life, perhaps I can't help you at all. Well, I think you've had enough of my time now. Besides, I'm bored.

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About Me

Joined Jan.09, 2018

Welcome to my APClips profile! Please look around, and check out all the sexy content I have to offer you. You can shop using a Cart, or buy tokens in advance for easy one-click purchases.
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  • Sophia Smith photo
  • Sophia Smith photo
  • Sophia Smith photo
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  • Sophia Smith photo
Age 34
Height 5'6"
Weight 110 lbs
Bra Size 30D
Body Type Slender
Eye Color Hazel
Hair Color Brunette

My Stats

Videos 421
Views 38,769
Loves 8
Faved 73

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